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China's CNC machine tools have achieved remarkable results.

Author: Davesource: casetruss.comTime:2018-04-30
In recent years, the rapid development of China's CNC machine tools industry, while the steady improvement of CNC machine tool technology, it also constantly attracts foreign companies to join the rich domestic market. In the manufacturing industry, the automation boom has not diminished today, CNC machining has been popular in aerospace, automotive manufacturing, mold manufacturing and many other fields. However, we must admit that China's CNC machine tool industry, whether it is the level of technology or industry maturity, compared with the developed capitalist countries, industrialized countries, can only be considered a beginner.
In recent years, as one of the three pillar industries of the manufacturing industry, China's CNC machine tools have achieved rapid development in terms of product category, technology level, quality and output. According to the forecast data of China National Numerically Controlled Machine Tool Industry Market Forecast and Investment Analysis by the Research Industry Research Institute, the output of CNC machine tools in China reached 236,000 units in 2010, up 62.2% year-on-year. In 2014, the output of CNC machine tools in China reached 391,000 units. The data is still in a rising trend. It is predicted that by 2020, the scale of China's CNC machine tools will reach 270 billion yuan.
In recent years, the demand for major equipment manufacturing industries such as defense, aviation, high-speed railways, automobiles, and molds has increased significantly. This has led to a significant increase in the machine tool industry. The CAGR of China's CNC machine tools has averaged 37.39% over the past five years. In the past 10 years, the annual compound growth was 29.94%, and the compound growth in the past 15 years was 22.10%. Driven by the demand, the output of CNC machine tools in China has maintained rapid growth. With the deepening of economic restructuring, the CNC machine tool and CNC system industry will continue to develop rapidly.
From the perspective of the machine tool structure, the output of metal-cutting machine tools has grown rapidly, showing a significant growth trend. It is estimated that in 2017 China's CNC metal cutting machine production will reach 800,000 units. The output of CNC metal forming machine tools showed U-shaped growth in 2016. It is expected that the output of CNC metal forming machines in China will reach 335,000 units in 2017.
In recent years, China's CNC technology and its industrialization have developed rapidly and have achieved remarkable results. In fact, the replacement of manual operations by CNC machining has already set off a huge storm in various fields across the country. With the increase in the cost of labor and the speed of product replacement, various industries are accelerating the transformation of efficiency and increasing the demand for industrial automation, semi-automatic, and mechanized production. More and more specialized equipment has been introduced.
However, since China does not have mature high-end CNC machine tool development capabilities, manufacturing companies can only select imported machine tools or domestically-manufactured machine tools equipped with imported CNC systems to process the workpieces when formulating manufacturing processes. As the old saying goes, “If a worker wants to do something good, he must first sharpen his tools.” This “device” is a numerically-controlled machine tool, especially a high-end CNC machine tool. Without the ability to manufacture high-end machine tools, we will be subject to people in all aspects of late manufacturing.
Always look at the road of China's CNC industry is still long. However, since the technology development of CNC machine tools in China has reached a mature stage, various fields have begun to pay extensive attention to CNC machine tools, and it is believed that the development of CNC machine tool industry in China will surely become more and more
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